Soirée le Jeudi 12 Décembre 2013 : The Great Application Server Debate
Attention la conférence aura lieu à la Maison Jean Kuntzmann Université Stendhal Grenoble 3 38400 Gières
La conférence sera en deux temps : The Great Application Server Debate et Do you really get ClassLoaders.
The Great Application Server Debate
There are many application servers on the market today, but which are right for you as a developer? This session looks at the popular application servers—including Tomcat, TomEE, GlassFish, Jetty, WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic Server, Liberty Profile, and JBoss—and analyses them from the point of view of a developer. It focuses on performance, config management, open source compliance, feature richness, tooling, and developer productivity, among others. Come to this session to learn about the main differences between the application servers on the market today and understand which might be best for your needs. App Servers will be scored in each category and the audience will decide which App Servers rock and which… do not!
Do you really get ClassLoaders
Class loaders are at the core of the Java language. Java EE containers, OSGi, NetBeans modules, Tapestry 5, Grails and many others use class loaders heavily. Yet when something goes wrong, would you know how to solve it? In this session we’ll take a tour of the Java class loading mechanism, both from JVM and developer point of view. We will look at typical problems that you get with class loading and how to solve them. ClassNoDefError, IncompatibleClassChangeError, LinkageError and many others are symptoms of specific things going wrong that you can usually find and fix. For each problem we’ll go through a hands on demo with a corresponding solution. We’ll also take a look at how and why classloaders leak and how can you remedy that.
Le conférencier
Simon is a Technical Evangelist at ZeroTurnaround, but is less about preaching and more about discussion and interaction. His passion is around technical communities and is the founder of the vJUG (new online JUG) as well as an active leader of the London Java Community (LJC) and the LJC JCP EC committee. Prior to joining ZeroTurnaround, Simon was a developer and technical evangelist for IBM on the WebSphere Application Server for over 10 years. He enjoys playing and watching football (spherical variety), drinking tea and spending quality time with his family.
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La conférence aura lieu le Jeudi 12 Décembre à partir de 19h à la Maison Jean Kuntzmann Université Stendhal Grenoble 3 38400 Gières
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