Microservices scalables avec OpenShift le Mercredi 30/11/2016

Le Mercredi 30Novembre l’AlpesJUG a le plaisir de recevoir Clément Escoffier pour parler microservices dans le cloud (en français).

Microservices scalables avec OpenShift

Vert.x is a framework to create reactive distributed and polyglot applications on the Java Virtual Machine.

Vert.x takes the JVM to new levels of performance yet having a small API. It lets you build scalable microservice-based applications transparently distributed and packaged as a single jar file.

Due to this simplicity, deploying and managing Vert.x applications on OpenShift is a breeze, upload your jar and Vert.x internal cluster manager will connect all your pods in single distributed network. Several examples are shown during the talk and demonstrate how Vert.x can simplify DevOps daily job when working together with OpenShift such as deployment, rolling updates, monitoring, metrics…

Le conférencier

Clément Escoffier (Red Hat) :
Who am I? That’s a good question. I had several professional lives, from academic positions to management. Currently, I’m working for Red Hat as Vert.x core developer. I have touched to many domains and technologies such as OSGi, mobile app development, continuous delivery, DevOps…

My main point of interest? Software engineering, so processes, methods, tools that make the development of software more efficient and also more fun. I’m also an active contributor to many open source projects such as Apache Felix, iPOJO, Wisdom Framework, and obviously, Eclipse Vert.x.



Cette soirée se déroulera sur le campus au Laboratoire LIG – Bâtiment CTL 7 allée de Palestine 38610 , GIERES, à partir de 19h

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